
Not Stings

Your Mental Health Is in Your Hands

Mental Illness doesn't have to be the story of your life.


Reveal Your Wings

Preparing for Ketamine Assisted Therapy for Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and More A Patient to Patient Guide

         Featured Products from the self-help book Reveal Your Wings

The Muse device provides real-time feedback as you meditate. It can track your brain activity, heart rate, breathing, and body movements to guide your meditation experience. 
365 Tao is a contemporary book of meditations on what it means to be wholly a part of the Taoist way, and thus to be completely in harmony with oneself and the surrounding world.
Watts delves into the origins and history of Zen to explain what it means for the world today with incredible clarity. 
Record your KAT experience in this beatifully designed journal.
If you want to know more about the history of ketamine and its scientific studies , this is an informative book that can answer many of your answers you may have about this life saving treatment.
In this book, best-selling authorDr. Mike Dowand Field Trip co-founder Ronan Levy provide a broad overview of KAP.
This is the book, which brings you the affirmations for the Solfeggio Frequencies. Healing, cleansing, and energy-expanding -  perfect for providing you with your Intentions for ketamine assisted therapy (KAT).

This is the book. The audiobook is to the right. 

This audiobook brings you Solfeggio Frequencies with meditations and affirmations designed and narrated by Anna Thompson. Healing, cleansing, and energy-expanding - these are perfect for both every day listening and ketamine assisted therapy (KAT).

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